Randomization Tags and Personalizing Tags
123 Hidden Sender allows inserting into the message texts and the subjects special symbols which 123 Hidden Sender replaces by some values according to the tag meaning before sending email.
1. Randomization tags
#ShortRandom#: Inserting this tag anywhere in the message or in the rotating message lines will replace it with a random number of random digits (0-9). It will be anywhere 6 characters long.
#LongRandom#: Inserting this tag anywhere in the message or in the rotating message lines will replace it with a random number of random digits (0-9). It will be anywhere 20 characters long.
#RandomDateTime#: Inserting this tag anywhere in the message or in the rotating message lines will replace it with a random Date and Time. It will be look like 2007-3-2 18:25:25
#RotatingText#: Inserting this tag anywhere in the message will replace it with one line from your rotating message file.
2. Personalizing tags
#ToEmail#: Inserting this tag anywhere in the message will replace it with the recipients email address, somewhat personalizing your message.
#ToName#: Inserting this tag anywhere in the message will replace it with the username part of the recipient's email address.
#IncID#: Inserting this tag anywhere in the message will replace it with an automatically increased number. This can be used to track your email. ( example: http://www.somewhere.com/track.asp?ID=#IncID#)
Screenshot 1:

Screenshot 2:
